Home is Here Coalition: Supreme Court Sides With DACA Recipients, Providing Relief for Immigrant Youth and Their Families

This decision emphasises that for DACA recipients and their families: home is here.

José Alonso Muñoz | jose@unitedwedream.org | 202.810.0746

America’s Voice | press@americasvoice.org 

Jorge-Mario Cabrera | jmcabrera@chirla.org - 562.243.5559

Lynn Tramonte|media@interfaithimmigration.org| 202-255-0551

Paola Fuentes Gleghorn, Sojourners | pfuentes@sojo.net 

Ann Scholz, SSND Leadership Conference of Women Religious | ascholz@lcwr.org

Yara Aquino | MomsRising | yari.aquino@berlinrosen.org

Yatziri Tovar | yatziri.tovar@maketheroadny.org | 917-771-2818

Peniel Ibe|pibe@afsc.org|347-951-3667 

Juan Gastelum |media@nilc.org | 213-375-314

This decision emphasises that for DACA recipients and their families: home is here. 

Washington, D.C. — Today, the Supreme Court announced a 5-4 ruling on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program cases, ruling that Trump’s decision to rescind the DACA program was arbitrary and capricious. 

The Home is Here Coalition – representing 100+ organizations across the country – released the following statement: 

“Today’s win is what happens when directly impacted communities demand change. The Supreme Court sided with the American people - who overwhelmingly support the DACA program - and they rejected Trump’s divisive and hate-filled agenda. This decision will help protect the lives of nearly 700,000 current DACA recipients and their families from Trump’s cruelty — for now. 

Since Trump took office and rescinded DACA in September of 2017, immigrant youth, their families and allies across the country have been fighting to protect DACA. While this decision gives needed relief for DACA recipients and their families, immigrants are still under attack by this administration. The Home is Here coalition calls on Trump to commit to respecting the decision of the Supreme Court and not trying to end the program again. He must also instruct USCIS not to share information with ICE about DACA recipients and their families. The Trump administration has made it clear they want to deport as many people as possible, moving money from various government agencies to ICE to carry out their mass deportation agenda.  

As we celebrate today,  we also acknowledge how much fighting for change there is still to do. This decision follows weeks of courageous organizing and protests from Black people and allies across the country to demand an end to police brutality, white supremacy and a call to defund the police. We are committed to fight against the systems that are built to target, detain and deport immigrants and which are rooted in the systems of anti-Black racism and white supremacy. 

The fight to end white supremacy and advocate for Black lives, and for protections of all immigrants is one we must do together.” 


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