DC Public Service Commission Moves Electric Utility Toward Long-Term Contracts for Renewable Energy


Daniel Willis (317) 493-9154, daniel.willis@sierraclub.org


WASHINGTON, D.C. -  The DC Public Service Commission recently required DC’s electric utility to purchase renewable energy through new long-term contracts. These contracts, also referred to as power purchase agreements or PPAs, provide critical long-term income streams to renewable energy companies, enabling them to build new solar and wind farms to deliver the renewable energy contracts require. These long-term renewable energy contracts will move DC closer to its commitment of cutting carbon emissions in half by 2032 and reaching carbon neutrality by 2050.  

States and other jurisdictions have enacted similar long-term renewable energy contracts, resulting in significantly less volatility in energy prices and significantly lower electricity bills for ratepayers.  

The co-chair of the Sierra Club DC Chapter's Beyond Subcommittee, Matthias Paustian, released the following statement in response: 

“The Sierra Club fought hard to have long-term renewable energy contracts included in the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018.  Though that provision was removed from the legislation, we are pleased that the Public Service Commission has taken the important first step of establishing a pilot program for long-term renewable contracts. These contracts will lead to more stability in our energy prices and lower utility bills for ratepayers. For DC to meet its climate commitments, it is imperative for the District to procure electricity through long-term contracts to increase its commitment to renewable energy.” 


About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.