Marie Newman Endorsed by Sierra Club

Nation’s Largest Grassroots Environmental Group Praises Newman’s Bold Vision

Jonathon Berman,

Kady McFadden,


(Chicago, IL) — Today, the Sierra Club announced its endorsement of Marie Newman, Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois’ Third Congressional District. This is the second endorsement of a challenger to a sitting Democratic member of Congress by the Sierra Club this cycle.

“The Sierra Club is committed to promoting a safe, clean energy future built on energy efficiency, clean energy, and American innovation. We believe that Marie Newman shares this commitment and that she will be a passionate and effective champion of the environmental movement in Congress,” said Lois Lauer, Sierra Club Sauk-Calumet Group Chair. “Marie understands that the status quo is not enough, and that the time to act to ensure a healthy environment for future generations is now. Marie’s mission is to create an economy that works for everyone that is built on 100% clean energy and dignified work, not exploitation and fossil fuels. We know she will fight hard to build a better future for voters in Illinois’ Third District and across the country.”

“My two kids are my world. Every day I grow more worried about the dying environment that we’re leaving behind for our children and future generations. It is because of them that I am so honored to receive the endorsement of the Sierra Club,” said Newman. “The Sierra Club and its millions of members across the country are dedicated stewards of our environment and I look forward to helping them advocate for necessary change in Washington. Our country has risen to the occasion time and time again to solve complex problems with big ideas. We should treat the climate crisis no differently. I will fight for a Green New Deal and policies that put our people and the health of our planet first, always.” 

“The people of Illinois’s Third District are ready to have a voice in Congress who doesn’t shy away from the bold solutions that our planet needs,” said Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune. “Marie Newman is that candidate and we are proud to support her.”

The Sierra Club will mobilize its members and supporters to elect Newman to Congress.


Paid for by Sierra Club Political Committee and authorized by Marie Newman for Congress.

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit