Hogan’s Energy Bill Needs to Phase Out Coal


Daniel Willis, daniel.willis@sierraclub.org, (317) 493-9154


Annapolis, MD. -  Earlier this week, Governor Hogan submitted legislation which he argues would move Maryland to clean energy future. The Sierra Club appreciates the governor for endorsing this important goal which has been recommended by scientists and advocates.  However, in order for Maryland to achieve this critically important goal we need to end our reliance on dirty coal-fired power plants. Any serious clean energy plan must include provisions that provide certainty by phasing the state off its six coal-fired power plants while also providing certainty for future work to transition those workers to new industries in a just and equitable way. 

In response, Director of Maryland Sierra Club Josh Tulkin released the following statement: 

"We support a move to 100 % clean energy and appreciate Governor Hogan setting such a laudable goal. The details of achieving such a goal are critically important, and the Governor’s legislation, as written, would not get us to 100% clean energy, and could potentially move us backwards.

Most concerning is that CARES plan does not appear directly address the issue of coal.    Coal-fired power plants are closing across the country; it is an unstable energy source with an uncertain future. So any clean energy plan must include provisions that provide certainty by phasing the state off its six coal-fired power plants while also transitioning those workers to new industries in a just and equitable way. Coal is not clean, is responsible for 74% of greenhouse gas emissions from the electricity sector in Maryland. Ensuring a certain future for this important workforce and their communities should be a responsible part of any clean energy plan.

Further, the CARES plan defines the burning of fracked gas as clean.  Fracked gas is a fossil fuel, and even when combusted using combined heat and power (CHP), it still releases greenhouse gas pollution.  CARES does not establish any specific emissions limits.”


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The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.