Power Past Fracked Gas Denounces Puget Sound Clean Air Agency’s Preliminary Approval of Puget Sound Energy’s Tacoma LNG Facility

Bradley Thompson, 206.601.5442, bradley@350tacoma.org 
Victoria Leistman, 516.650.7530, victoria.leistman@sierraclub.org

[TACOMA, WA] -  Today, the Power Past Fracked Gas coalition expressed its deep disappointment in the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) preliminary approval of the Puget Sound Energy (PSE) Tacoma LNG facility:

“This preliminary determination is unacceptable and disregards the many negative impacts that Tacoma LNG would have on air quality, public health and safety, and Washington’s climate goals. We object to PSCAA’s preliminary findings and call on the agency to reconsider and deny Puget Sound Energy’s Notice of Construction Application. We stand alongside the Puyallup Tribe and frontline communities in opposing the construction of this project. This fracked gas facility poses unacceptable harm to the climate and public health, and violates the treaty rights of the Puyallup Tribe. We will continue to explore all avenues to stop it from being constructed.”

PSCAA’s preliminary determination was accompanied by an announcement of a comment period and public hearing at the Rialto Theatre in Tacoma on August 27 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm and from 6:30 pm to 10:00pm. The Notice of Construction Application is the final permit needed by Puget Sound Energy in order to complete the Tacoma LNG facility. The 8 million gallon LNG facility is opposed by the Puyallup Tribe, and more than 80 local environmental, health, and social justice groups. 



Power Past Fracked Gas works to protect the health and safety of Pacific Northwest communities and climate by accelerating an equitable transition off fossil fuels. Learn more at www.powerpastfrackedgas.org.

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