ICYMI: As Coal Declines, Murray Clamors for Trump


Lauren Lantry, lauren.lantry@sierraclub.org 

Today, coal baron Bob Murray is hosting a (suggested) $150 a plate fundraiser for the Trump Victory Fundraising Committee. Trump will attend and speak at the fundraiser. 

It makes sense for Murray to host a fundraiser for the president’s re-election, as he’s had easy access to the EPA and to Trump from the beginning -- so much so that Murray Energy fired its lobbying firm after EPA administrator (and former Murray lobbyist) Andrew Wheeler was hired at the EPA, knowing it already had all of the access it needed. Trump and Wheeler have done exactly what Murray wants: rolled back the clean air and climate safeguards to help the bottom line of coal executives. Even so, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), American coal consumption is at its lowest in 39 years, more than 50 coal plants have retired since Trump’s election.  


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