Gov. Jim Justice Puts Profits Before West Virginia's Public Health and Clean Energy Transition


Contact: Emily Pomilio,, 480-286-0401

Charleston, WV -- Today, West Virginia governor and perennial legal defendant Jim Justice attacked thousands of grassroots activists and everyday West Virginians working to address the climate crisis and harmful pollution by moving America off of fossil fuels. Meanwhile, policy that would support coal communities in transition and ensure workers have a pension sits on a shelf.  Justice decried Michael Bloomberg’s “Beyond Carbon” initiative, suggesting that West Virginia continue to rely on deadly, outdated fossil fuels such as coal, as the United States quickly moves to a clean energy economy.

In response, Bill Price, West Virginia Field Organizing Manager for the Sierra Club, said the following:

"There is a growing epidemic of black lung in the region and as nearly 500 mountains across Appalachia were blown to bits, pollution in our waterways spiked leaving my friends, family, and neighbors afraid to drink their water. Knowing all of this, Gov. Jim Justice has done little to protect workers and communities from the coal industry. There is no question that the coal industry brought jobs and economic benefits to West Virginia, but there is also no question that it has damaged countless lives and destroyed our environment in ways that will have long lasting impacts. Because of this, our communities demand an energy future that doesn’t dirty our water, pollute our air, and foster dangerous work environments.

“It is clear that Justice has no interest in helping the workers and people of this state. His companies’ long, dangerous record of worker safety and environmental violations proves this. Instead, he attempts to wring as much wealth out of it for himself as workers’ pensions risk becoming insolvent. He’s using workers as pawns rather than helping them transition to family-sustaining careers in new industries.

“As a former resident of a coal-producing community, I am deeply disappointed by Justice’s actions, and his lack of commitment to the future of our state and of our planet. What our state needs now is leadership to diversify our economy beyond fossil fuels and make sure West Virginians are part of the 100 percent clean energy future. The Beyond Carbon initiative recognizes and prioritizes the need to support an equitable clean energy transition for workers who have helped power our country in the fossil fuel industry. Why would Jim Justice want West Virginia to be left behind and left out after such a long history of driving our energy economy forward?”


About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit