ICYMI: Sierra Club Calls Out Republican Reps for Voting Against Major Climate Legislation


Lauren Lantry, lauren.lantry@sierraclub.org 

On Monday, the Sierra Club began running 10 Facebook ads targeting Republican representatives who voted against HR. 9, The Climate Action Now Act, the first major piece of national climate legislation to be voted on in 10 years. The ads target Representatives Mark Amodei (NV-02), Chris Collins (NY-27), Rodney Davis (IL-13), Matt Gaetz (FL-01), Peter King (NY-02), Doug Lamborn (CO-05), Brian Mast (FL-18), Bill Posey (FL-08), Tom Reed (NY-23), and Lee Zeldin (NY-01).

These representatives come from districts and states that are working on their own to meet the Paris climate agreement, including:

  • The Empire State has two cities in Zeldin’s district fully committed to transitioning to 100% clean energy

  • The Sunshine State has 46 mayors who have pledged support for 100% clean energy and seven cities fully committed to transitioning to 100% clean energy

  • The Prairie State has seen a recent surge in clean energy development after the passage of the state's Future Energy Jobs Act, Illinois has signed on to the US Climate Alliance, committing to the goals of the Paris Agreement, and Governor Pritzker has also set a goal of 100% clean energy for Illinois

  • Five Colorado mayors have pledged their support for 100% clean energy, Governor Jared Polis was elected on a platform including a 100% clean energy pledge, and nine cities and two counties have fully committed to transition to clean energy

  • Nevada recently adopted a 50% renewable portfolio standard goal by 2030 and a 100% clean energy goal by 2050.

Nearly two years after Donald Trump announced his disastrous plan to withdraw the U.S. from the landmark Paris Agreement, the Climate Action Now Act will ensure that Trump is unable to follow through on his reckless and ill-informed threat by prohibiting the administration from spending money on Paris withdrawal and requiring the administration to produce a plan for meeting our international commitments. At the time of Trump’s announcement, a majority of Americans in all 50 states supported U.S. participation in the historic Paris deal.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

“Ensuring that the U.S. has a seat at the table and a plan to meet its commitments under the Paris Agreement should be a question of leadership, not partisanship. Yet, despite touting their supposed support of climate action, these 10 Washington Republicans voted against the first piece of climate legislation in ten years and against the climate action and clean energy jobs that their constituents want and deserve. H.R. 9 was an important opportunity for every member of Congress to affirm on the record that the U.S. must be a leader in addressing the climate crisis. By voting no on this historic legislation, these representatives made it clear that the needs of big polluters take precedence the health and safety of their constituents.”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.