Nevada PUC Approves $5 Million Investment in Electric Vehicles


Thomas Young, Deputy Press Secretary, (719) 393-2354,

Reno, NV -- Today, the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada voted unanimously to approve several new investments by NV Energy, including $5M for electric vehicle charging infrastructure, a new energy storage incentive program, and updates to its existing solar incentives program. The inclusion of the new electric vehicle and energy storage programs are results of Senate Bill 145, which passed in 2017 and authorized NV Energy to take action to support these important clean energy technologies.

NV Energy’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure investment includes rebates to support the installation of charging stations at critical locations like multi-family dwellings and workplaces, as well as “fast-charging” stations along highway corridors to enable drivers of electric vehicles to make longer trips. NV Energy will also provide rebates and technical assistance to support the electrification of fleets of buses and trucks.

In response, Sierra Club Attorney Joe Halso released the following statement:

“The Sierra Club applauds the Commission for its decision today which will put Nevadans on the road to healthier air, more freedom to power their homes how they want, and better access to electric vehicle infrastructure. The unanimous vote shows the Commission’s commitment to improving Nevadans’ lives and communities.”

The program approved today was modified and improved by a settlement reached between NV Energy, Public Utilities Commission Staff, Sierra Club and its environmental allies, the Governor’s Office of Energy, the Bureau of Consumer Protection, and clean energy technology companies, including solar and electric vehicle service providers.

The Sierra Club advocated in support of this investment as a part of the Nevadans for Clean Affordable Reliable Energy coalition, which also includes our partners Natural Resources Defense Council, Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, Western Resource Advocates, Nevada Conservation League, Defend our Deserts, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, Bristlecone Alliance, and Nevada Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit