Facing Legal Defeat and Public Opposition, Bernhardt Delays Offshore Drilling Plan


Washington, DC -- The Wall Street Journal reported today that the release of the Trump administration’s proposed offshore drilling plan has been delayed. According to Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, a recent court ruling rejecting the administration’s attempt to undo protections for the Arctic and Atlantic oceans from drilling was “discombobulating” and set back the release of the plan indefinitely.

The administration’s draft plan, released last year, would expand drilling into nearly every corner of America’s waters. This radical plan was met with widespread opposition from the public and from elected leaders from both parties.

In response, Athan Manuel, Director of the Sierra Club’s Lands Protection Program, issued the following statement:

“No amount of delay is going to change the fact that the American people do not want more drilling off our coasts. Bernhardt has lost in the courtroom and he has lost in the court of public opinion. It’s time for him to give up on his radical offshore drilling plan once and for all.”


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