STATEMENT: Trump’s Visit to Rio Grande Valley Provides No Solutions, Stokes More Fear


McAllen, TX-- Today, Donald Trump visited the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas to push for billions of dollars in border wall funding that has caused an ongoing, three-week government shutdown. McAllen, listed as one of the safest towns in the country by the FBI, has been the epicenter of the administration-caused humanitarian crisis on the border. Last December, Congress allocated $1.6 billion for border wall construction in the Rio Grande Valley-- barriers that will cut through public lands, wildlife corridors, and private property including the National Butterfly Center. Every Congressperson who represents border communities and a large majority of residents reject the wall and barriers in their entirety.

In response, Reggie James, Director of the Lone Star Chapter released the following statement:

“What is said about the border and places like the Rio Grande Valley-- from our president and through fear politics-- is grossly exaggerated and extremely harmful. Border communities are  diverse, vibrant, and safe. This destructive wall, heightened militarization, and inhumane treatment of immigrants is the real crisis putting lives at risk everyday. We cannot allow threats to people's livelihood and the destruction of our environment go unchecked. Congress must reject funding for the wall and the militarization of our border communities.”

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