Statement on Democratic House Majority

Democratic Control of the House Brings Profound Opportunity to Hold Trump Accountable

Adam Beitman, or 202-670-5585

Democratic Control of the House Brings Profound Opportunity to Hold Trump Accountable, Advance Clean Air, Clean Water & Climate Progress

Key Gubernatorial Wins Propel Nationwide Movement for 100% Clean Energy

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Democrats will take control of the U.S. House of Representatives after a historic campaign that comes on the heels of two years of Trumpian chaos and attacks on the environment as well as the majority of Americans nationwide.

Simultaneously, Gubernatorial candidates across the nation are now bringing their support for a transition to a 100% clean energy economy to state capitals, including Jared Polis in Colorado, J.B. Pritzker in Illinois, and Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan.

Climate champions are taking power in some of the most important swing states in the country as the nation looks ahead to the crucial 2020 Presidential and Senate elections. There have never been so many 100% clean energy champions at all levels of government as there will be after this election.

In Response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune Released The Following Statement

“This election, Americans did something that Donald Trump didn’t want us to do -- we united. Two years of relentless, committed, and strategic pressure from people all over the country who rose up, organized together, and took action all over the country built the momentum for this victory. In states across the nation, a blue wave powered by 100% clean energy washed away the red tide.

“The question over the last two years was whether the unprecedented energy of resistance would translate into energy at the polls. The resounding answer tonight was that it has -- and the result will be that Congress and state and local offices all over the country will have some of the most ambitious climate champions ever leading the way.

“Despite Trump’s greenhouse gaslighting and the efforts of he and his allies to intimidate and disenfranchise voters, they are losing power and the resistance is succeeding.  Now, with a wave of climate champions taking charge in the House, the next two years will bring an unprecedented wave of accountability and pressure that will make the last two years look like a walk in the park for Trump and his corrupt accomplices throughout his White House and cabinet.

“These election results are a repudiation of President Trump’s policies, as well as his attacks on women and immigrants, Muslims, the LGBTQ community, and other vulnerable and marginalized communities. The American people sent a message to Donald Trump and to Congress that it’s time to take serious action to address the climate crisis, protect our clean air and water as well as the EPA which ensures them, and aggressively accelerate a national transition to a 100% clean, renewable energy future.

“The Sierra Club has fought back against Trump’s attacks on the environment and vulnerable communities from day one. That’s why we invested unprecedented resources this cycle in the fight to ensure that there would be accountability for the rampant corruption and lawlessness of Trump and his cabinet, as well as progress toward climate action and clean energy on all levels of government.”



About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit