Whether He’s Interior Secretary or UN Ambassador, Ryan Zinke Cannot Escape His Scandals


Jonathon Berman, Jonathon.Berman@sierraclub.org

Zinke Keeps Giving Government Contracts to Whitefish Energy, Turns His Back on a Veteran, And His Super PAC Mocks Sexual Assault Survivors, All While Angling for a New Job

What a week Ryan Zinke has had. On Friday, it was unearthed that Zinke’s much maligned Super PAC, SEAL PAC, sent out a fundraising email making light of the need to believe survivors of sexual assault. On the same day, Zinke, while attending an event in Boston, turned his back on a local alderman and veteran when asked a question he did not like. Then, on Tuesday, it was uncovered that Whitefish Energy, the Zinke connected company that received and lost a $300 million no-bid electrical reconstruction contract in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria, has continued to receive government -- including Department of the Interior -- contracts. If this weren’t enough, it was then rumored that Zinke, he who loves taxpayer funded travel, may succeed Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador.

Zinke is a walking scandal incapable of faithfully executing his duties as Interior Secretary. It’d be an even further embarrassment for Donald Trump to do anything but remove him from office.


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