PJM Finds Bruce Mansfield Coal-Fired Power Plant Not Needed for Grid Reliability


Emily Pomilio (480) 286-0401, emily.pomilio@sierraclub.org

Thomas Schuster, (814) 915-4231, tom.schuster@sierraclub.org

Audubon, PA — PJM Interconnection, the regional electric grid operator for 13 states including Pennsylvania, announced the results of its grid reliability analysis for the FirstEnergy-owned Bruce Mansfield coal-fired power plant today. The report states the plant is not necessary for grid reliability in the area. Transmission upgrades are scheduled to be in place by the requested retirement date of June 1, 2021, which means the plant can retire on that date as requested with no impact to electric reliability.


In response, Thomas Schuster, Pennsylvania Senior Campaign Representative for the Sierra Club, issued the following statement:

“FirstEnergy has been begging the federal government for a bailout of its uneconomic coal plants since Trump took office. They have been trying to scare the public and government officials by claiming a plant closure would create a grid emergency. PJM’s analysis exposes that claim as a cynical lie - the Bruce Mansfield coal plant is not needed for energy reliability in the region.

“It would be egregious for the Department of Energy to try to force the public to pay billions of dollars to rescue Bruce Mansfield and other unneeded, aging plants when no emergency exists. Instead, this coal plant’s planned retirement highlights the need for a fair, economic transition plan for communities hosting these dirty, dangerous and now obsolete power plants and is a reminder that we must be proactive in order to ensure everyone can benefit as the region transitions to a cleaner, more efficient and reliable renewable energy economy.”



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