Senator Collins Must Recognize Kavanaugh’s Potential Problems With The Truth


Jonathon Berman,

Earlier today, Senator Susan Collins said that “If in fact [Kavanaugh] was not truthful, then obviously that would be a major problem for me,” referring to Donald Trump’s extremist nominee for the Supreme Court. During Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, documents emerged raising the possibility that Judge Kavanaugh previously lied under oath on more than one occasion. Senator Collins continues to insist that she’s not concerned that Kavanaugh may overturn Roe v Wade, despite the judge’s own record on choice and him stating that he considers contraceptives to be “abortion-inducing drugs.” Kavanaugh has also proven to be a threat to environmental rulings by consistently sided with corporate polluters.

An overwhelming percentage of Mainers want Senator Collins to reject Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.

In response, Sierra Club Democracy Campaign Director Courtney Hight released the following statement:

“If Brett Kavanaugh can’t be candid enough for the Senate and the public to determine whether he’s previously lied under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee, then how can anyone trust his word in any setting -- let alone confirm him to the highest Court in the land? Senator Collins has proven to take her responsibility as a Senator seriously throughout her career, which is why she cannot support Donald Trump’s extremist nominee for the Supreme Court. The people have spoken, and they want a judge who will protect their rights, their health, and their communities. Brett Kavanaugh has proven he is not that judge.”


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