Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans Are Failing The American People (Again)


Cindy Carr,

This morning, Senate Democrats continued to fulfill their duty by exposing some of the damaging records from Brett Kavanaugh’s time in the Bush White House. But these new documents are just a snapshot of the hundreds of thousands of documents the Trump administration is still trying to hide. What is in those records? And why don’t Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Chuck Grassley want them released?

While Senate Democrats are asking Kavanaugh tough, pointed, and relevant questions that any legitimate Supreme Court nominee should be able to answer, Republican Senators -- both on the Senate Judiciary Committee and in Senate leadership -- are bending over backwards to compliment Kavanaugh and hold his hand through the nomination hearing. With our democracy, our climate, our healthcare and more on the line, it is disgraceful and unacceptable that Senate Republicans are more focused on attacking the First Amendment, playing partisan politics, and pandering to Donald Trump than they are on fulfilling their responsibility as U.S. Senators.

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