Labor, Residents Voice Support for Strong Offshore Wind Contracts


Shay O’Reilly  (703) 868-1473

Emily Pomilio,, (480) 286-0401

Long Beach, NY — The New York State Energy Research and Development (NYSERDA) hosted a public hearing on Wednesday to provide the latest updates on the state's plan for offshore wind development for Long Beach. The Sierra Club, labor unions, allied groups, and local residents attended the hearings and voiced their support for strong environmental protections, community benefits, and labor standards in New York’s increasing investment in offshore wind.

NYSERDA is currently setting contracting standards for offshore wind projects. By requiring developers to work with labor and community groups, NYSERDA can ensure local, good-paying, family wage jobs through manufacturing opportunities from offshore wind. Coupled with further investments in rooftop solar, energy efficiency, and grid upgrades like battery storage, New York can become a leader in curbing climate change and help the Governor reach his goal of generating 50 percent of the state’s energy by 2030.

The below organizations provided their response:

“We support the Governor’s commitment to getting large-scale offshore wind into the water in New York, but we want more investment, faster if we’re going to power the state with 50 percent renewable energy by 2030,” Shay O’Reilly, New York City Organizer for the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign said. “Not only do we need increased offshore wind, but we must make sure that these contracts are just, equitable and provide strong labor standards, setting a good example for future development in the state and in the country.”

"The fact is that in order for New York to be a leader in fighting climate change,  offshore wind development must be made a top priority. The entire state's future, especially for those of us on Long Island, depends on our ability to harness the immense potential blowing on just off our coastlines," Kevin Dugan, Long Island Regional Coordinator with the New York Public Interest Research Group said. "Students across New York applaud NYSERDA's efforts, and are calling on all of our state officials to continue the charge and bring real, clean energy to Long Island immediately!"

“Surfrider Foundation is supportive of offshore wind power generation if it is done right. We want to see a high bar set by these first commercial wind power projects that protects our environment as well as recreational uses of our coast,” Matt Gove, Mid-Atlantic Policy Manager for the Surfrider Foundation said.

“In our buildout of renewable energy infrastructure we must ensure family supporting jobs and community empowerment,” said Ryan Madden, Sustainability Organizer with the Long Island Progressive Coalition. “To address the historical harms faced by communities and workers by the fossil fuel economy we need community benefit agreements that include local hiring and local supply chain development, the use of prevailing wages, direct funding to local organizations for community power generation that facilitates co-ownership, and community decision-making and accountability in planning projects.”

“Under the leadership of Governor Cuomo, New York is moving forward to meet its goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and establishing renewable energy resources,” John R. Durso, President of the Long Island Federation of Labor said. “The plans for procurement of offshore wind energy will place Long Island at the center of an exciting new industry.  It is being done the right way. Requiring project labor agreements and apprenticeship programs will ensure that our communities benefit by creating high quality careers.”

“We are thrilled that New York State continues their commitment to making our state an offshore wind hub and we applaud NYSERDA for their push to procure offshore wind power for our communities,” Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director of Citizens Campaign for the Environment said. “As we approach the 6th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, we are all aware that offshore wind is critical to protecting our coastal communities, our health, and our economy here on Long Island.  Responsibly sited offshore wind power is an essential technology for the needed transition to our clean energy future. Good planning, good science and good common sense will allow us to properly site wind power so that we can fight climate change and do our part to save our island.”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit