Kavanaugh's record answers the questions he won't

Earlier today, Brett Kavanaugh attempted to gloss over his polluter-friendly judicial record while responding to a question from Republican Senator Orrin Hatch. But make no mistake: Brett Kavanaugh has consistently sided with corporate polluters. Kavanaugh’s toxic record poses a grave threat to our clean air and water and communities across the country, and his testimony today affirms the fact that he will more than likely overturn the Chevron Doctrine, which gives executive agencies the authority to interpret the statutes they implement, if he’s confirmed to the Supreme Court. By overturning the Chevron Doctrine, Judge Kavanaugh would vastly expand the courts’ power to overturn federal agencies’ efforts to protect the public from polluters and big corporations. There’s a reason that a pro-corporate climate-denier like Donald Trump nominated Kavanaugh for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court.

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