ICYMI: Big Oil Wants Taxpayer-Funded Protection from Climate Change Crisis of its Own Making


Yesterday, the Associated Press reported that the oil industry is pushing for the federal government to fund construction of a 60-mile “spine” of concrete seawalls and levees along the Texas Gulf Coast. The project, which would cost taxpayers at least $12 billion, is designed to protect petrochemical facilities and oil refineries from flooding and extreme weather caused by climate change.

The news comes as Texas organizers are putting on a People’s Tribunal on Harvey Recovery to uplift stories and testimonials from the most vulnerable populations impacted by the storm and the inevitable storms to come.

In response, Sierra Club Gulf Coast Organizer Bryan Parras released the following statement:

“The irony of a main driver of the climate crisis asking the government for protection from it seems to be lost on Senators Cornyn and Cruz, both of whom support spending billions of taxpayer dollars to fund this project. Neither senator has recognized the reality of climate change, or taken any action to stop it or protect communities. Apparently, as long as their true constituents -- the oil companies -- are protected, that’s good enough for them.”

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