Utah’s Public Lands in Jeopardy, Again


Carly.Ferro@sierraclub.org 801-467-9294 x 100

Salt Lake City, UT -- The House Natural Resources Committee today will host a hearing on the Emery County Public Land Management Act of 2018. The bill has a unique opportunity to implement a precedent-setting process and notable protections for Utah’s public lands that continue to experience significant roll backs. However, as it stands, the bill would lessen protections and worsen the current status of lands protected.  A committee vote is anticipated before the end of Congress.

Utah Sierra Club Director, Ashley Soltysiak released the following statement:

“Utah is fraught with obstacles for protecting our public lands. While there continue to be major disagreements about the protections and management of our public lands, a robust and democratic process should not be undermined. It is apparent that stakeholders’ voices are missing from the conversation and were not consulted until the final hour of the bill’s submission. Congressman Curtis needs to understand that he has a role to play in shepherding federal legislation that impacts federal lands, and cannot abdicate all responsibility to county commissioners. We hope to continue working with the bill’s sponsor as it moves through the federal legislative process.”  


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