Questions for Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Pruitt Caught Breaking More Federal Laws


Lauren Lantry,

As he floundered yesterday, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt revealed that he broke federal law on multiple accounts and lied about his corruption and scandals numerous other times.

  • By having his top aide look for houses for Pruitt in their personal time, Pruitt accepted a gift in violation of federal law.

  • Pruitt is in violation of the law for not reporting his lavish office furniture spending to Congress.

  • Pruitt sought to violate federal rules by requesting his security detail use sirens in a non-emergency situation so that he could make dinner reservations for which he was running late. He attempted to deny this yesterday in spite of new email evidence that shows otherwise.

  • Pruitt also denied that his staff attempted to attack Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, despite Donald Trump having criticized Pruitt over this issue.

Trump is reportedly souring on Pruitt. According to a former White House official, “the president is no longer going to step into the breach and defend him.”

The subject of 16 investigations, Pruitt knows he’s in hot water. Yesterday, he admitted to the creation of a legal defense fund, even though he has not yet been charged with a crime, and he hired an outside attorney to help with his growing federal investigations.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders should answer the following questions on Pruitt’s actions:

  • Does the President still support Scott Pruitt even after he admitted to breaking multiple federal laws?

  • It was reported yesterday that the President and the White House no longer will defend Scott Pruitt amid his snowballing scandals. Why would the President keep a cabinet secretary around who he does not want to defend and who continues to embarrass this Administration?

  • Scott Pruitt has defied the White House on numerous occasions, from giving his friends at the EPA massive raises to going on television when he was reportedly told not to. Now, he’s denying that his staff tried to attack Interior Secretary Zinke in the press even after the President called him out for it. How does the President feel about publicly being defied and contradicted by his EPA Administrator?

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