Pruitt Envisions Agency that Abandons Responsibilities to Americans in Favor of Personal Perks


Lauren Lantry, 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Environmental Protection Agency is debuting the Office of Continuous Improvement, a new office tasked with making the agency more "lean." According to the EPA’s webpage on this, the office will result in “superior customer service.”

In response, Sierra Club Federal Policy Director Melinda Pierce released the following statement:

“Scott Pruitt is advocating for a government that abandons its responsibilities to protect our clean air and water all while using taxpayer money to pay for lavish perks for himself. It’s clear that the only ‘customers’ Scott Pruitt intends to help are the corporate polluters directing his every move. Polling shows Pruitt’s true customers -- the American people -- aren’t happy with the EPA’s customer service. It’s time the EPA shifts ownership.”


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