Inhofe, Pruitt’s Biggest Ally, Suggests Pruitt Find a New Job


Lauren Lantry, 

Even Scott Pruitt’s closest ally, Senator Jim Inhofe, knows Scott Pruitt’s ethical quandaries are deeply unpopular. Today, in an interview with Bloomberg News, Inhofe said he believes Pruitt “might get to the point where he doesn’t want to endure anymore” scrutiny over his abuse of taxpayer dollars. Inhofe then said Pruitt “could find something else to do that would be a lot less combative."

Last month, when asked whether Pruitt should resign if the allegations of his abuse of taxpayer funds, illegal spending, and other misconduct are true (narrator’s voice: they are), Inhofe responded saying it "depends on which ones we are talking about." With mounting opposition from White House staff and the American people, it’s time for Pruitt to go.

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