ICYMI: Trump Sours on Pruitt


Lauren Lantry, lauren.lantry@sierraclub.org 

According to reporting by Axios, Donald Trump isn’t happy about all of the negative press Scott Pruitt’s been getting. A source close to Trump told Axios that the president raised the fact that a member of Pruitt’s press team has sought to sell negative stories about Interior secretary Ryan Zinke in conversation and said, "That's not good."

What’s (the latest) not good? A lot...

And this morning, the New York Times broke a new story, ‘Smoke and Mirrors’: Emails Detail Pruitt’s Drive for Secrecy at the E.P.A., detailing how Snowflake Scott uses his $3 million, taxpayer funded, 24/7 security detail so he doesn’t have to talk to people who disagree with him.

As Pruitt’s scandals continue to snowball, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders should answer the following questions:

  • Does the President still support Pruitt?

  • EPA administrator Scott Pruitt is allowing lobbyists to use taxpayer dollars to set his agenda and plan trips that cost more than $100,000. Is that President Trump's idea of draining the swamp?

  • Pruitt has now reportedly lied to Congress about retaliating against EPA staff, lied to Fox News about approving raises for his friends from Oklahoma in spite of the White House’s opposition to the raises, and hid lobbyist involvement in expensive taxpayer funded overseas trips from the public. Does the President think Scott Pruitt should be held accountable for his lies and shady behavior? Does the President feel that Scott Pruitt lied to him?

  • What does the President think about a Trump loyalist - someone who calls himself Trump’s “biggest fan” - being forced out at EPA for attempting to stop Scott Pruitt’s exorbitant spending of taxpayer dollars?

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