DTE, Take Your Foot Off the Gas!

Sierra Club, NRDC, and MEC appeal DTE’s nearly $1 billion gas plant.


Ricky Junquera, 617.599.7048, ricky.junquera@sierraclub.org
Ivan Moreno, 312.651.7932, imoreno@nrdc.org

DETROIT, MI - Environmental organizations filed an appeal with the Michigan Court of Appeals to reverse the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) decision that authorizes DTE Electric Company to charge its customers the cost of building a nearly $1 billion gas power plant. Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and the Michigan Environmental Council, represented by Earthjustice and Olson Bzdok & Howard, assert that DTE’s proposal failed to meet the standards under Michigan’s utility planning law. The groups also filed a petition for rehearing with the MPSC.  


In July of 2017, DTE asked the MPSC to grant a “Certificate of Necessity” for the 1100 MW proposed gas plant that the utility claims would be needed if it follows through on its announced intent to retire some aging coal-fired plants. Numerous organizations intervened to oppose the plant, presenting expert testimony showing that DTE had failed to consider a range of less costly alternatives. Multiple scenarios showed that a portfolio of resources such as wind, solar, energy efficiency, demand response, and battery storage could eliminate, or defer the proposed plant while saving customers hundreds of millions of dollars.


In Response…


Regina Strong, Director of Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal to Clean Energy Campaign in Michigan said:


“Michigan customers deserve better than a long term investment in fracked gas to replace coal -- another fossil fuel. DTE needs to take their foot off the gas and give their customers a better option. Renewable energy and energy efficiency can lessen the need for this large investment in fracked gas. This is a $1 billion mistake and Michigan ratepayers will be stuck footing the bill.  Looking at the options beyond gas means that DTE could have and still can diversify, which will lessen the energy bill burden on our community. That is what this appeal is all about.”

Ariana Gonzalez, energy policy analyst with the Natural Resources Defense Council said:

“DTE seems dead set on making Michiganders wait on the cleaner air, jobs and cheaper electricity bills that come with a modern energy economy. The evidence showed that DTE could have used renewable energy and energy efficiency to lower bills and meet demand reliably, but instead the utility is dragging its feet.  This rehearing and appeal are an effort to ensure Michigan families don't have to wait for the benefits being reaped in other states and service territories.”

Shannon Fisk, Managing Attorney at Earthjustice said:


“DTE’s nearly $1 billion gas proposal is the wrong direction for Michigan and is unsupported by the record in this case.  While the law required the utility to carefully and objectively evaluate alternatives to its proposed gas plant, DTE clearly did not do so.  The motion for rehearing and appeal provide an opportunity to help ensure that Michigan’s utilities are maximizing the pursuit of the affordable and reliable clean energy that the public wants, rather than defaulting to expensive and polluting fossil fuels of the past.”


About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.