California Public Utilities Commission Approves Single Largest Investment in EV Infrastructure

California’s Three Largest Utilities Will Invest Over $700 Million in clean transportation projects

 Rachel Boyer,

SAN FRANCISCO, C.A. -- Today, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved the single largest utility investment in transportation electrification infrastructure ever. On the heels of the California Air Resources Board decision to use the $423 million Volkswagen diesel case settlement to get more electric vehicles on the road, the CPUC approved plans from California’s three largest utilities, Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric, to invest $738 million to expand electric vehicle infrastructure across California. 

In response, Sierra Club Senior Campaign Representative Carlo De La Cruz released the following statement:

"California just solidified its position as the spark of our country’s electric vehicle revolution. As the largest car market in the United States we just made the single largest investment in electric vehicles and zero emission technology in the nation. 

“This package of investments is long overdue and essential to bring the benefits of zero-emission technology and air quality improvements to communities suffering from the worst effects of unhealthy air quality. Today’s decision enables the largest utilities to do their part to help make California’s clean transportation future a reality.”


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