Scandal Ridden Pruitt Again Ignores Science, Says Biomass is Carbon Neutral (It’s Not)


Brian Willis, 202.675.2386,

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, embattled Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt again ignored science and announced that burning trees from managed forests will be considered carbon-neutral. This announcement comes in spite of the fact that biomass emits large amounts of carbon dioxide and exacerbates the worst effects of climate change.


In response, Sierra Club Climate Policy Director Liz Perera released the following statement:   


“Once again, Scott Pruitt is wrong. Biomass is not carbon neutral and never will be. Burning trees for energy will only worsen pollution, exacerbate climate change and harm public health. Scott Pruitt can’t take a step without either making a mockery of science or being embroiled in another scandal.”


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