President Pruitt? “He wanted to be treated like he was the president”

NYT Drops Latest Pruitt Bombshell - EPA Chief Reassigned Officials Who Questioned His Lavish Spendi

Adam Beitman, Sierra Club, 202-670-5585 or


NYT Drops Latest Pruitt Bombshell - EPA Chief Reassigned Officials Who Questioned His Lavish Spending


CONTACT: Adam Beitman, Sierra Club, 202-670-5585 or

President Pruitt? “He wanted to be treated like he was the president”

NYT Drops Latest Pruitt Bombshell - EPA Chief Reassigned Officials Who Questioned His Lavish Spending

Pruitt surpassing record number of Scandals in 72 hours

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Bombshell reporting from the New York Times,

“At least five officials at the Environmental Protection Agency, four of them high-ranking, were reassigned or demoted, or requested new jobs in the past year after they raised concerns about the spending and management of the agency’s administrator, Scott Pruitt.

“The concerns included unusually large spending on office furniture and first-class travel, as well as certain demands by Mr. Pruitt for security coverage, such as requests for a bulletproof vehicle and an expanded 20-person protective detail, according to people who worked for or with the E.P.A. and have direct knowledge of the situation.”

Among the most damning pieces of reporting includes a repeat theme that Pruitt is treating himself as though he is the President of the United States.

It has previously been reported that among Pruitt’s ambitions are to run for President.

From the NYT:

  • “Mr. Weese, the security official, questioned Mr. Pruitt’s desire to use flashing lights and sirens in his motorcade — a perk more commonly associated with the presidency — according to three of the people who worked with or for the E.P.A.”

  • “He wanted to be treated like he was the president,” said David Schnare, a prominent conservative lawyer and climate change skeptic, who served on the Trump administration transition team at the E.P.A., after an earlier 30-year stint at the agency that started in the late 1970s.”

  • When Pruitt purchased an elaborate new desk, “employees gawked at the size and grandeur of Mr. Pruitt’s refurbished desk, with some comparing it to the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, officials said in interviews.”

In Response, Maura Cowley, Director of the Sierra Club’s Resist Campaign, Released the Following Statement

“It should by now be clear that Scott Pruitt’s scandals are not going to stop coming, and he will continue to humiliate himself and the Trump Administration every additional hour he is in office.”  



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