Donald Trump Still Fails To Have Coherent Trade Policy

Trump Waffles Again On Trans-Pacific Partnership

PALM BEACH, FL -- Today, when asked about rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) during a press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Trump responded, “I don’t want to go back into TPP, but if they offered us a deal that I can’t refuse on behalf of the United States, I would do it. But I like bilateral [trade deals] better.” Just yesterday, Trump said he “doesn’t like the deal for the United States,” and incorrectly cited South Korea as a TPP member.

In response, Sierra Club Responsible Trade Program Director Ben Beachy released the following statement:

"Donald Trump continues to prove that he does not have a coherent trade strategy as he waffles once again on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Nothing has changed; the TPP remains the anti-worker, anti-environment trade deal it was when it was beaten by a movement of millions. The American people deserve better. How can they trust Trump's sales pitch on trade when he flip-flops on a toxic trade deal that he claimed to hate?”

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