Amid Corruption Scandals, Pruitt Tries to Do Corporate Polluters More Favors By Gutting Enforcement of the Clean Water Act


Brian Willis: 202.675.2386,

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, CNN reports that a memo released by the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility shows that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, embattled among numerous scandals over unethical behavior and questions about corruption, has stripped regional experts of their authority to properly enforce the Clean Water Act in an unprecedented move that will threaten drinking water all over the country. Under Pruitt’s new directive, he will have sole authority to dictate Clean Water Act jurisdictions -- decisions which have traditionally been left to regional scientists and EPA employees due to their scientific expertise and local knowledge of different areas.


With this new directive, Pruitt can arbitrarily designate areas as inside or outside the Clean Water Act’s jurisdiction and deny any science or community input. That opens the door for Pruitt to continue to ignore the health of the public to do favors for corporate polluters, all amid news that Pruitt approved projects that were pushed by the fossil fuel lobbyists who set up a sweetheart condo deal for him in Washington where political fundraisers were held.


In response, Dalal Aboulhosn, Deputy Legislative Director for Land and Water, released the follow statement:


“The last person who should have decision making power over our drinking water is Scott Pruitt, who has a corrupt record of getting favors and marching orders from the same corporate polluters who want to dump their toxic pollution in our water.

“Pruitt’s dangerous power-grab would strip local scientists and experts of their ability to fairly judge whether or not America’s streams and waterways fall under the Clean Water Act’s protection will be disastrous. These local experts don’t care about politics in Washington, they want clear guidelines about doing their jobs and protecting our water - that’s what the Clean Water Rule did before Scott Pruitt delayed its implementation and moved to repeal its clarifying safeguards outright. This memo transfers more authority to Scott Pruitt, who has proven that the only time he cares about clean water laws is when he can exploit them to give his political allies massive raises. Pruitt’s decision will only lead to more scandals, more embarrassment for the administration, and more threats to our communities from the very agency that is supposed to protect us.”

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