AEP Electric Vehicle Pilot Program Approved by Utility Commission

$10 Million project will support the City of Columbus's Smart Cities effort

Ricky Junquera,, (617) 599-7048

COLUMBUS, OH: Today, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio issued an order approving a settlement agreement reached by the Sierra Club, AEP, Commission Staff and other stakeholders last fall. The agreement improves upon a previous plan for AEP to develop 900 MW of clean renewable energy, as well as initiate a groundbreaking electric vehicle program, while protecting AEP consumers from monthly fixed fee rate increases.

Today’s Commission order establishes a $10 million electric vehicle pilot program that will provide support to the City of Columbus's Smart Cities effort and increase access to electric vehicle charging infrastructure across AEP's service territory. Specifically, it will dedicate $3.7 million to charging ports at apartment buildings, workplaces and in public locations, and $5.8 million to develop fast-charging stations which will enable long-distance electric vehicle travel within the state.

“The momentum is building for clean energy and clean cars in the Midwest,” said Joe Halso, associate attorney for Sierra Club. “We are pleased to see the Commission give the ‘green light’ to this innovative program, which will not only support the installation of critical backbone infrastructure for Ohio’s electric vehicle drivers, but will result in cleaner air and, ultimately, a cleaner electricity grid.”

The agreement also adds flexibility to the cost recovery methods that will be used to develop new clean energy projects, which furthers Sierra Club’s vision of attracting a job-creating renewable energy manufacturing hub to Appalachian Ohio.

“With this case now completed, we are eagerly awaiting AEP's forthcoming filing on their Appalachian solar initiative,” said Neil Waggoner, Ohio Campaign Representative for Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign. “Our vision, as outlined in settlements with AEP, is to attract significant clean energy investments to Ohio’s Appalachian communities at sufficient scale to attract high-tech, job-creating manufacturers in the solar supply chain. Today's decision bolsters these efforts and is the next step towards completion of not just the solar component, but the full 900 MWs of clean energy AEP has committed to; the single largest clean energy commitment in Ohio history."

The settlement agreement was supported by a broad set of stakeholders, including Commission staff as well as environmental, consumer, renewable energy, and large customer interests.

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit