Fracked Gas Pipeline Contractor Operating Without NC License

Duke Energy Project Running Into Problems Just Weeks Into Construction

Doug Jackson, 202.495.3045 or

RALEIGH, NC -- Today, N.C. Policy Watch is reporting that a contractor hired by the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) is operating without a valid license. The Thrasher Group is a surveying firm based in Bridgefield, WV that has been working in North Carolina even though its permit to work in the state lapsed in 2016. Reporter Lisa Sorg also shared a photo of a Thrasher truck with cardboard covering its license plate. Pipeline companies often come under fire for promising job opportunities in local communities but hiring out of state workers to do the construction.

The pipeline would carry fracked gas from West Virginia through Virginia and into North Carolina and is a project of Dominion Energy, Duke Energy, and their partners.

In response, Sierra Club Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign Director Kelly Martin released the following statement:

"These fracked gas pipelines are dirty, dangerous and complicated projects. If we can’t trust the Duke to screen their contractors, how can we trust them to protect our water, our homes, and our communities?”

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