Rio Grande Valley Community to Gather to Oppose Border Wall, Attacks on Immigrants


Courtney Bourgoin, (202) 496-3022

ALAMO, TX -- On Saturday, January 27, border residents from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas will participate in a rally at the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, an ecological haven that would be sliced if Trump’s border wall is built. Speakers including the director of Defenders of Wildlife and local elected officials will stress the social and environmental impacts of border walls, emphasizing the harm inflicted by the Trump administration’s anti-immigrant policies.  


This community rejects the border wall, the targeting of communities of color, and the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border. This gathering will express concerns about damage that Trump's planned border walls would do to disrupt that connection: cutting off people's homes, stripping farmers of their land, closing public parks, and devastating ecologically-sensitive wildlife refuges.


What: A rally against the U.S.-Mexico border wall, militarization, and deportation. Before and after the rally, attendees can enjoy bird walks, a tram tour, archery, and kayaking in the refuge with no entrance fee as a celebration of the Refuge’s 75th anniversary.

When: Saturday, January 27th at 11 a.m.

Where: Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge

Visuals: Wildlife Refuge flora and fauna, border wall




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