House Natural Resources Hearing: Ominous Start of New Year for Public Lands


Virginia Cramer,, 804-519-8449 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The House Natural Resources Committee today will hold  a hearing on Rep. John Curtis’ H.R. 4532 “Shash Jaa National Monument and Indian Creek National Monument  Act.” The bill would not only codify President Trump’s illegal cuts to Bears Ears National Monument but also delegate management of the monument to local officials and tribal representatives hand-picked by the Utah delegation, foregoing input from Tribal governments. Management plans laid out in the bill exclude three of the five tribes that advocated for Bears Ears protection.

In anticipation, Dalal Aboulhosn, Sierra Club deputy legislative director, issued the following statement:

“Today’s hearing is an ominous start to the new year for our public lands. This bill not only affirms the effective elimination of Bears Ears National Monument, but puts the fox in charge of guarding the remaining protected areas.

“We stand with the tribal governments of the Bears Ears Commission in opposing this attack on our public lands and tribal sovereignty. We will continue to work to ensure it does not pass.”


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