Residents Gather to Sing Carols for Clean Energy

Local utility customers gather to sing to I&M why they don’t want coal for the holidays.

Ricky Junquera,, (617) 599-7048

Fort Wayne, IN - Today, 20 local consumers and clean energy advocates gathered in front of their electric utility’s headquarters to Carol for Clean Energy, telling Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) they don’t want higher bills and more coal pollution this holiday season; they want 100 percent renewable energy.

I&M is requesting to raise customers’ monthly bills by an average of 27.7 percent and raise monthly fixed charges by 147 percent through a rate increase case before the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. The rate increase request would add more than $350 to the average customer bill each year. The rate increase proposal also does not commit the company to retire the Super Polluting Rockport coal plant. Earlier this year, I&M also played a role in getting Senate Bill 309 passed to suppress rooftop solar. The Indy Star’s investigative piece found I&M among other energy companies lavishing legislators with money and gifts in exchange for votes on legislation.


“This holiday season, it would be a wonderful gift to all Hoosiers if Indiana Michigan Power made a firm commitment to retire their Super Polluting Rockport coal plant and invested in renewable energy,” said Pastor Brian Flory. “Their current proposal hurts the most vulnerable Hoosiers, while raising our electric bills. Indiana Michigan Power has the opportunity to put a sustainable and responsible gift in our stockings, and not the same lump of coal they've always given."


Carolers presented Indiana Michigan Power CEO Toby Thomas with their 2017 Ebenezer Scrooge Award:

“The 2017 Ebenezer Scrooge Award is hereby presented to CEO Toby Thomas, in recognition of AEP - Indiana Michigan Powers’ devotion to corporate bonuses and shareholder profits at the expense of Hoosier families.

“We recognize I&M’s proposal will raise our monthly bills by an average of 27.7%, and raises our monthly fixed customer charge by a whopping 147%. The proposal will add more than $350 dollars to the average customers bill a year and lots of money in Indiana Michigan Power’s pockets! That, while continuing to operate the super polluter Rockport coal burning power plant.

“Not even Jacob Marley would propose an increase in fixed monthly charges to this scale, which would do the most harm to people on a fixed income and steal away the savings customers would have seen from investing in energy efficiency and rooftop solar.

“In recognition of Indiana Michigan Power’s generous donations to many legislators, and successful attacks on energy efficiency, and rooftop solar; we present this scrooge award to Indiana Michigan Power CEO, Toby Thomas.Local residents and clean energy advocates award AEP-IM CEO Toby Thomas with the 2017 Scrroge Award

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit