Pruitt Should Look to Establish a Debate Over Whether Ferris Bueller was Sick After False Climate Debate


Jonathon Berman,

Washington, DC -- Today, E&E News reported that coal executive Bob Murray and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt have had deep discussions about formalizing the disparate attacks on climate science coming from this administration. According to E&E, Murray and Pruitt have discussed the absurd idea that “carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels should no longer be considered a pollutant but instead an essential ingredient in maintaining a global population boom.”

In response, Sierra Club National Resistance Campaign Director Maura Cowley released the following statement:

“Scott Pruitt can debate with coal executives all he wants, but he can’t change the fact that temperatures and sea levels are rising and people are dying all as a result of the climate crisis. Pruitt is doing anything and everything to appease a few coal millionaires, including wasting even more taxpayer dollars to try and distort established facts. Perhaps after Pruitt tries to create a false debate over climate science, he can establish a red and blue team to debate whether or not Ferris Bueller was indeed sick.”


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