Trump Administration Launches Another Attack On Women’s Health

Latest Rollback Could End Birth Control Insurance Coverage

Cindy Carr, (202) 495-3034 or

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, in yet another attack on women’s health, the Trump Administration published a new rule that rolled back the Affordable Care Act provision requiring employers to fully cover birth control on insurance plans. The rule, which could affect as many as 62 million women, will take effect immediately and will allow employers to deny birth control coverage on “religious or moral grounds.”

In response, Sierra Club Gender Equity and Environment Program Director A. Tianna Scozzaro released the following statement:

"This latest affront to women’s health is the clearest indicator yet that Trump will stop at nothing to further politicize women’s bodies in order to gain political points with his base. There should never be a question about a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, and the fact that Trump continues to try to force our country to move backwards demonstrates just how out of touch and unfit he is for office.”


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