Automakers Back Bill to Weaken Vehicle Fuel Economy and Emissions Protections


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Representative Fred Upton (MI-6) introduced a bill that will weaken vehicle fuel economy safeguards. The bill is another attempt by automakers to roll back the consumer and climate protections they agreed to under the Obama administration. Earlier this year, automakers sent Donald Trump and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt letters as well as met with Pruitt and Transportation Secretary Chao urging the weakening of these standards.

In response, Sierra Club Michigan Chapter Director Gail Philbin released the following statement:

"Make no mistake, this is yet another attempt by automakers to change the rules of the road by rolling back consumer and climate protections. This bill enables automakers and corporate polluters to continue to dangerously weave around consumer and climate protections, undermining fuel efficiency standards for corporate gain at the expense of the American people. Americans want cleaner, more efficient cars, not more air pollution and an increased costs at the pump. These rules are driving technological innovation, cutting pollution, saving families money, and reducing America’s reliance on oil.

"Congress should be placing the health and well-being of American families first; not creating new loopholes that weaken public health protections and harming consumers.”


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