Zinke Order Threatens to Unravel Progress on Sage Grouse

Virginia Cramer, virginia.cramer@sierraclub.org, 804-519-8449

WASHINGTON, DC -- Secretary of the Interior Zinke has announced a review of federal and state plans for managing sage grouse across the West. The current plans are the result of years of collaboration between a host of stakeholders from ranchers to environmentalists, state and local agencies, and are intended to save the Greater Sage Grouse before it becomes endangered.

In response, Lena Moffitt, senior director of the Sierra Club’s Our Wild America campaign issued the following statement.

“Secretary Zinke’s review threatens to unravel unprecedented collaborative efforts by states across the west to proactively save the sage grouse. The Trump administration's clear intention to drill, mine and frack our public lands no matter the cost is once again on full display.

“Sage grouse are an iconic western bird and important indicators of the overall health of the outdoors. And their current conservation plan is an example of communities working together for a better future. Undermining that work to push the interests of the dirty fuels industry would be selfish and foolhardy.”

