Utah Sierra Club Celebrates Park City Public Lands and Monuments Resolution

Becky Yih, 801-232-0651

Park City, UT –  Yesterday, Park City Council joined three other councils in passing resolutions affirming public land ownership by the American people. The resolution highlighted public lands as “a distinctly prideful part of our national heritage and a legacy for future generations.” 

This resolution and its sister resolutions stand in opposition to efforts by Utah’s legislature to take control of America’s public lands in Utah. While several Utah politicians have called for the reduction or the outright elimination of Utah’s Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments, Park City stands with the majority of Utahns to protect these culturally and biologically rich landscapes.

Continued efforts by the Utah Sierra Club campaign, Keep Public Lands in Public Hands, is illuminating the overwhelming support for public lands as Utah particularly continues to be threatened by its own delegation and the federal review of its beloved Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments.

In response, Becky Yih, Summit County resident and Sierra Club public land volunteer said:

“We are grateful that the Park City Council has joined Summit County in affirming its support for public lands, and the unequivocal support for the two national monuments by both the city and the county is especially welcome.”

“As our volunteers meet and talk to people throughout Utah we are impressed with the passion and pride Utahns feel like owners of America’s public lands.”

 “People here care deeply about public lands and Bears Ears and the Grand Staircase.  That public support has made all the difference.”
