Trump’s Unified Agenda is a Disgrace, not an Achievement

CONTACT:​ ​Adam Beitman, or 202-670-5585




Trump’s Unified Agenda is a Disgrace, not an Achievement


WASHINGTON,​ ​DC​ ​-​​ ​As reported by Politico, The White House has released its unified agenda, which outlines the Trump Administration’s efforts to take a wrecking ball to many important protections and safeguards across our government.


In​ ​Response,​ ​Sierra​ ​Club​ Executive Director Michael Brune Released the Following Statement:


"Taking a hatchet to protections that safeguard clean air and water, public lands, and the health of our families is not an achievement, it’s a disgrace and a threat to every person in our country. Six months in, and Donald Trump’s only achievements are diminishing America’s standing abroad and undermining essential protections for our families and communities at home to enrich fossil fuel executives. If you’ve been wondering why Trump is one of the least popular presidents in history, look no further than the exact things he is bragging about.”