Trump Executive Order Takes Away Health Care Funding For Women Abroad


Lauren Lantry (202) 548-6599

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, as one of his first executive orders, President Trump reinstated the Global Gag Rule. This executive order bars U.S. aid to groups that provide or promote abortions procedures overseas. 

In response, Sierra Club Gender, Equity and Environment Director A. Tianna Scozzaro released the following statement:

"This weekend, millions of women across the globe marched for women’s rights, including access to reproductive health care -- and today Trump proved he was not listening. One day after the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Donald Trump signed an executive order solidifying his administration's opposition to women’s health and rights. At the risk of women’s health and lives, Trump's Global Gag Rule forces healthcare providers to face the difficult choice between receiving vital family planning funds and providing comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care.

“The Sierra Club supports voluntary, unrestricted family planning programs that empower men and women to make choices about their families. The Sierra Club does not support the anti-democratic, anti-family planning policy of the Global Gag Rule.”


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