Sierra Club: Zinke is no Roosevelt


Virginia Cramer,, 804-519-8449


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today is holding a hearing to examine the nomination of Rep. Ryan Zinke to serve as Secretary of the Department of the Interior.


In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune issued the following statement:


“What our public lands need, what Americans need, is someone who will steadfastly protect our outdoor  heritage. A look at Rep. Zinke’s record shows that he is not willing to stand up and protect our country’s special places.


“Though Zinke describes himself as a modern-day Teddy Roosevelt conservationist, his votes paint a different picture. Rather than dedicating himself the preservation of our public lands, Rep. Zinke has repeatedly sided with those who would dismantle, degrade or dispose of them. Mining, drilling, logging, and dirty energy interests have been placed time and again before the public interest.


“The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and all Senators who care about their constituents should stand up for our great outdoors, the booming outdoor economy, and the transformative power of the wild, by opposing this nomination.”

