Sierra Club Statement on Perdue Confirmation Hearing


Virginia Cramer,, 804-519-8449

WASHINGTON, D.C. --  The Senate today held a hearing to consider former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to head the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In addition to farming, agriculture, and food programs, the U.S.D.A. is responsible for the nation’s forests, including the U.S. Forest Service.


In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:


“Mr. Perdue would be responsible for decisions affecting the health and well-being of all Americans, but his crony capitalism and history of fealty to big agribusiness show he can’t be trusted with the task. We cannot afford a Secretary of Agriculture who continues to deny climate science, one of the biggest threats facing our food and national forests. Our families, family farmers, and family vacation spots deserve better.


“We challenge Senators, who are elected to represent and protect the American people, to stand up for families across the nation and oppose this nomination.”

