Sierra Club: Senate Should Reject Pruitt Nomination


Rudhdi Karnik,

Washington D.C.-- Today, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is holding a hearing to examine the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to be U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator.
In response, Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, released the following statement:
“Never has someone been nominated to run the Environmental Protection Agency who is as unfit and dangerous as Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt. He has repeatedly ignored public health concerns that plague Oklahoman families, sued the very agency he’s been tapped to lead, and attacked clean air and water safeguards while raking in big cash from big polluters. 
“The American people cannot afford to have someone with a well-documented history of putting corporate polluter profits before our clean air and water leading the EPA. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and all Senators who care about their constituents should stand up for communities across the country and oppose this nomination.”