Sierra Club Response: House Border Security Hearing


Virginia Cramer,, 804-519-8449

The House Homeland Security Committee today is holding a hearing to discuss security at the Southern border of the United States. Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly is expected to testify about his plans for the border.

In response, Dan Millis of  the Sierra Club’s Grand Canyon Chapter Borderlands Program  issued the following statement.

“Building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, as proposed by the Trump administration, is a terrible and unpopular idea. It is an ineffective boondoggle that will cost billions of dollars. It will cause flooding and block wildlife. It threatens to undermine the rule of law, as key public health safeguards are brushed aside to clear the way for construction. It will tarnish the image and reputation of the borderlands and its people-- all this while failing to do what Trump intends.

Communities along the border are dealing with these damages every day from sections of the wall already built. The Sierra Club will continue to join with border communities, immigrants, communities of color, Muslims, women and all those who may be threatened under a Trump administration. The struggles to protect our communities and our environment cannot be separated and we will continue to resist these attacks.”
