Sierra Club Pans Trump’s Park Donation Publicity Stunt


Virginia Cramer,, 804-519-8449

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- According to news reports, Donald Trump has donated his first quarter salary of just over $78,000 to the National Park Service. The move comes after Trump proposed slashing the Department of the Interior’s budget by 12%, which includes the National Park Service.


In response, Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club,issued the following statement.


“If Donald Trump is actually interested in helping our parks, he should stop trying to slash their budgets to historically low levels. This publicity stunt is a sad consolation prize as Trump tries to stifle America’s best idea. It's a distraction that falls far short of the $12 billion needed to address the current backlog of park maintenance and does nothing to offset the almost $2 billion Trump asked Congress to cut from the Department of the Interior in his budget. America’s parks, and the people and economies they support, need real funding, not a giant fake check. Parks are a good investment and we must invest now if we want them to be around for our kids.”

