Sierra Club Launches Ad Campaign Against Trump Administration’s CAFE Standards Rollback

Lauren Lantry (202) 548-6599

Washington, DC -- The Sierra Club has launched an ad campaign opposing Donald Trump Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Scott Pruitt’s attempts to rollback fuel efficiency standards. The ads urge Facebook users in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Nevada to tell their Senators to stop the Trump Administration's proposed rollbacks to the CAFE standards.


Please see a copy of the digital ad below.


In response, Sierra Club Associate Director of Federal Advocacy Andrew Linhardt released the following statement:


“In order to keep our air clean and our climate safe, we need to put clean car standards in the fast lane, but Donald Trump is attempting to backpedal on vital climate and consumer protections. Surveys show that Americans in auto industry heavy states like Michigan, Ohio and Indiana want cleaner cars. If Trump rolls back fuel efficiency standards, not only will he be going against the wants of the American people, but he’ll be putting our health and safety at risk.”




Digital Ad

cafe ce ad screen shot.JPG