Sierra Club Challenges Endangered Species Act Attack


Virginia Cramer,, 804-519-8449

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Environment and Public Works committee today is scheduled to hold a hearing on ‘modernizing’ the Endangered Species Act.


In response Athan Manuel, Washington, D.C. policy director for the Sierra Club’s Our Wild America campaign issued the following statement.


“Today’s hearing is nothing more than another tired attempt to undermine one our country’s most successful environmental safeguards.  The Endangered Species Act has been highly effective in keeping some of the country’s most beloved animals from going extinct.  In fact, it has a 99 percent success rate. That’s pretty hard to beat. Not surprisingly, it’s also very popular. The vast majority of Americans support the Endangered Species Act and want to see plants and wildlife preserved for future generations. 


“Key to the lasting success of the Endangered Species Act is its grounding in the best available science. Replacing sound science with alternative facts and politically motivated management under the guise of ‘improvement’ is a recipe for disaster.”

