Sierra Club Applauds Senator Collins for Rejecting Dangerous Pruitt EPA Nomination


Rudhdi Karnik,, 202-495-3055

WASHINGTON D.C.-- Today, Senator Susan Collins (ME) announced her decision to oppose Donald Trump’s nomination of Scott Pruitt as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator.


In response, Glen Brand, the Director of Sierra Club's Maine Chapter, released the following statement:


“Today, Senator Collins took a stand for families across Maine by opposing this dangerous nomination that would be a threat to our clean air, clean water, and public health. If confirmed, Scott Pruitt would be the most dangerous Administrator to head the EPA in history. He denies climate change and has regularly conspired with the fossil fuel industry to attack life-saving EPA public health protections. With his many conflicts of interest, he cannot be trusted to lead an agency that is charged with putting people, and not polluters, first.


“We applaud Senator Collins for doing right by American families and urge the rest of the Senate to follow suit. Nothing less than our children’s health and the health of the planet is at stake.”